Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year + My Resolutions for 2016

at 14:37
Happy New Year to all humans and non- humans (shout out to my dog and the plants in my room). Another year has passed and as we welcome the new year, as a tradition we start to bethink on what we achieved the past 365 days, what we couldn't focus on and try to come up with ways to improve ourselves. I don't know if it's just me but I stand behind the "New Year, new me.." kind of thinking not because the 1st of January is some kind of magical deadline that changes you all together but because we as humans need to arrange our lives with some borders. And to be honest, I wouldn't have had the slightest concept to restart my diet after the holidays and all the eating I endured. 
And because updating my blog frequently is on my New Year's Resolutions list for 2016 I decided to share my goals for the current year with you, guys. 

  1. Lose weight./ Live healthier life style all together. (A classic one, isn't it?)
  2. Read more.
  3. Have better grades at school and study more. 
  4. Be more consistent and finish everything I start. ( I tend to do stuff chaotic and lose interest real quick.)
  5. Finally work on my YouTube channel and upload a video every month.
  6. Write a blog post every 2-3 weeks or sooner if something worth sharing with the Internet happens to me in my daily life.
  7. Act better with my family and friends and tell them I love them more frequently.
  8. Not be selfish and think about others' feelings more. (Close to the one before)
  9. Not get mad at people so easily and let some stupid things slide. (For example, ignore the fact the my neighbor is having the loudest sex in the history of loud sex as I'm writing this and not make a fuss about it.)
  10. Stop procrastinating and plan my time right. 
  11. Walk my dog regularly and not force my dad to sometimes. 



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