Saturday 28 November 2015

First snow

at 12:42
Every first snow that I remember from my whole life experience with snow has always been really early at the very start of the day. 
One happy, amazing morning of December as you wake up and are preparing your morning cup of coffee/ tea you look up to the windows and everything in front of you is in the color of alpine white (inspiration from my O.P.I. nail polish, don't judge me). The big street, the tall building and the small shop in front of your house are covered with SNOW and you run up to your mother to tell her. 
But this year, as stupid as it may sound, snow surprised me and the first falling of 2015 for my city was at the end of November 28.11.2015 at about 8 pm. So as I'm saying goodbye to my friend and I'm about to go out of the restaurant in the mall with some shopping bags (Christmas shopping gone early, yo) I see from the terrace that it's raining heavily. 
I sight and have a mini heart break because if you spend an hour doing your hair you won't enjoy rain as much, no matter how poetic you percieve it. I make my way to the exit, somehow balacing all my bags with my ninja skills and next thing I know, 
No matter your age you are obligated as a human being to get super crazy excited over snow and the CHRISTMAS season in general.
So sorry for this totally unneccessary post, hope you will understand my childish reaction and thank you so much for wasting your time reading this.


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