Friday 20 November 2015

Hi there.

at 13:38
You are here. 

I have no clue how you found this random blog in the whole universe of the Internet, but you did. 
Now that you are reading this, it’s time for me to introduce myself- I’m Maria (which may sound somewhat original to you but it’s actually one of the most common female names in my country), I’m almost 16 years old and as every white and proud teenage girl that is trying to fit in this crazy world I have ombre hair, wear winged eyeliner on daily basis and drink too much Starbucks for my own good. I’m sarcastic, silly and witty at the same time. Oh, and I’m obsessed with UGGs, candles and green tea. 
Yes, I’m that basic. 
But I also read poetry, fangirl over Korean dramas and manga, write short horror stories and play League of Legends. The best of both worlds. On this blog I will share with you random things that are on my mind. I will review makeup, beauty things and just stuff in general, I will post some of my short stories, inspirational quotes, maybe look books- who knows.
So give me a chance and follow me, promise you are not going to be disappointed! :3
*credits to whoever the picture belongs to*


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