Tuesday 26 July 2016

Beach day with the dog: Expectations vs Reality

at 12:59 0 comments

I had very high expectations for my first trip with my now 6 years old cocker spaniel Brandy. The only thought that kept me from going crazy during the 4 hour travel was that we were going to have so much fun. I kept imaging me and my dog running around the water, enjoying the sun and the nice weather but of course life has to crush our dearest hopes.
So the day we actually visited the beach, the sun was nowhere to be seen, so not only it was cloudy and dark but the water was cold as well.
Then I couldn't let may dog be without her collar because of the possibility of her running away. Here comes my idea of us running around the sand. Brandy swimming into the water was a risky situation also because of the possibility of water getting in her ear and cockers have many problems with their ear area.
After a few minutes of wondering whether should we enter the water, we decided to just try and let her swim a little bit without wetting her head.But of course something had to go wrong and my dog just went crazy and was all soaked up. I had to wait for her to dry up. She was barking everyone who dared to come near us.
Even though everything I expected went wrong I'm still glad that I got to enjoy a fun day with my mother and Brandy!
Tell me if you have ever gone to the beach with your pets? Or any fun beach stories in general, haha. Love you.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sweet things

at 15:10 0 comments
This post is going to be completely random.
As a typical holiday rule, after all the eating on Easter I've, without a doubt, gained a few pounds here and there and even though I'm typically a salty kind of food lover I cannot resist some sweet things.
For example one of my all time favorites is anything Lindt. No matter what, if it's Lindt chocolate I will eat it without thinking twice.
Why am I gaining weight again?
So I was feeling down today because of various reasons and one of my close friends comforted me with chocolate because she is THAT awesome. This is a good tip if you are trying to cheer up people!


Another new passion of mine are there lovely strawberries covered with chocolate which I've meant to try for a while and now I literally can't stop thinking about them! They are even better than Zac Efron. Topless. Yes, they are that great. I got them the other day because we were celebrating one of my bitches' birthday and when I saw them on the menu I just couldn't say no.
So that was my completely random, food pornish post. Hope you enjoyed and love you!

Sunday 1 May 2016

Easter spirit

at 15:29 0 comments

Even though Easter in Western countries passed just a few weeks ago in my country it has just began and as every popular thematic holidays it has gotten the best of me. Because of this celebration we are freed from school for 4 days and since I have nothing better to do, I started decorating the whole house. After adding a lot of fake nests and flowers in every room it was time for me and my mother to dye our eggs.
The popular Bulgarian tradition (probably it's the same way in many other countries tho) is to dip plain eggs in colored water and leave them as they are, maybe add a sticker or something. But I got inspired and decided to go and full on draw them over.
This year we had white eggs and the yellow dye was surprisingly good so in the end we were full of yellow eggs. I somehow got the idea to make them like emojis (blame it on Pinterest). I used some leftover dye and a marker for the precise lines.
I made some other designs like M&M's candy, Mike from Monsters Inc. and even an egg resembling my dog, which is a cocker spaniel.
I'm going to photograph all my Eastern decorations tomorrow and share it with you guys!
Hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you soon!

Friday 4 March 2016

Old friends

at 15:14 0 comments
Hi, guys. Today I went to a birthday party of an old friend of mine which I haven't seen for a while. About 2 years ago I used to study at a German school here in my hometown but a semester in the school year I transferred to another high school because I really wanted to study English.
I had to say goodbye to my old classmates and move to a totally different school with other subjects. I managed to stay in touch with my besties from the old school for a while but when I befriended my new classmates and we just lost connection but I missed them all, so you can imagine how happy I was when two weeks ago I got an invitation for the birthday party of one of the girls I was closest to back then.
Fast forward to the party and as I enter the apartment all of my old friends are staring at me with confusion. It took them quite some time to recognize me, I believe, but when they actually did I was welcomed with a lot of hugs. We danced, laughed and ate but I was actually really surprised by the people I used to know. (da song reference, YO!)
Anyway, everything was fine, it was really fun but I'm just kind of disappointed that they have all changed so much and became such amazing people and I haven't been there for them! One of the girls I was really close is now dating another girl. Another old friend of mine is now working as a model! All this is great and I'm really happy for them but I just wish I had spent more time with them!

Friday 12 February 2016

Pre-birthday Madness

at 10:59 0 comments
Hello, wonderful people from all around the world! Sorry for not updating for a while, I really missed this blog! It has just been crazy around here- we got back from a school trip a few days ago and had no time to even stop and think about it, haha. Now all I'm trying to do is relax and watch old episodes of Young & Hungry (if you haven't you should absolutely check out this TV show, it's more than AMAZING!). 
Also, my birthday is in just three days, I have to plan out all the details. I might write a blog post like a Birthday Haul or something like that! 
This was just a quick blog post to update everyone reading about what's happening in my life right now, I'll try to be way more active! 

Wednesday 6 January 2016

My first UGG boots

at 14:45 3 comments
Unless you have lived under a rock for the past 5 years there's no way you haven't heard about the UGG boots trend or so called "UGGs". There are fluffly on the inside, unfashionable on the outside but still were a favorite on every teenage girl's Christmas list from 2010 until now.
What makes them so amazing is how comfortable they actually are.
comfy > stylish (that's what the single girl said!)
 A thing about these shoes that I'm not supportive of is the fact there are only models made from sheep skin and no alternatives for vegetarian/ vegan people. They are also a bit on the pricey side but there are many similar models out there that just lack the label on the back but are still as comfy and that's most important if you ask me!
A few days ago my mom bought me my first pair because she found them on sale, while she was having a shopping strall through the mall and I've been wearing them every day since.
In my country it's freezing right now and the snow is our best friend at the moment but they never fail to keep me warm during my long ride back to school.
There could be a little bit of a problem with them in wet water because they could soak in water but if you generously spray them with a waterproof spray for shoes everything is going to be okay (unless you go swimming with them, haha).
So that was my short kind of shoe update/review. Have a nice day/ night, everyone! I'm going to make myself a giant cup of tea because tea is bae and just sleep because today was a tiring day for me. Lots of love!

Monday 4 January 2016

LUSH Massage bar

at 16:04 3 comments
To be honest ever since the first time I heard someone even mentioning LUSH, I felt unsure about trying it. Maybe it was the hype my friend was talking with about it, maybe it was because I'm skeptical about trying over popular brands but I wasn't a fan. Well, that was until about maybe a week ago I just LET IT GO and bought a product and let me tell you something, it was love at first try! 
Even as an expert I still found it hard to use the massage bar and decided to make a small review and briefly explain to you how to deal with the heaven that this product is.

Massage bar
A sensual massage bar filled with romantic essential oils. Shea and murumuru butters are specially blended to melt easily onto the skin to allow a smooth massage. As well as helping the bar glide, they also help to lock in moisture. As the bar warms and softens, it releases the heady blend of ylang ylang oil, Fair Trade vanilla absolute, and jasmine absolute.
First of all the smell is like paradise, better than eating chocolate or making out with cute boys. Because of the oils that it contains when you rub it on your skin you get this smooth silky finish that we are praying for late at night. I wouldn't actually use it daily, because it would pretty much be done after a week so better save it for a special occasion.
When it comes to using it, there's no rocket science or anything you just rub it in your palms until it melts a little and when it's ready you just go over any body part you want it on until you are satisfied.

Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year + My Resolutions for 2016

at 14:37 2 comments
Happy New Year to all humans and non- humans (shout out to my dog and the plants in my room). Another year has passed and as we welcome the new year, as a tradition we start to bethink on what we achieved the past 365 days, what we couldn't focus on and try to come up with ways to improve ourselves. I don't know if it's just me but I stand behind the "New Year, new me.." kind of thinking not because the 1st of January is some kind of magical deadline that changes you all together but because we as humans need to arrange our lives with some borders. And to be honest, I wouldn't have had the slightest concept to restart my diet after the holidays and all the eating I endured. 
And because updating my blog frequently is on my New Year's Resolutions list for 2016 I decided to share my goals for the current year with you, guys. 

  1. Lose weight./ Live healthier life style all together. (A classic one, isn't it?)
  2. Read more.
  3. Have better grades at school and study more. 
  4. Be more consistent and finish everything I start. ( I tend to do stuff chaotic and lose interest real quick.)
  5. Finally work on my YouTube channel and upload a video every month.
  6. Write a blog post every 2-3 weeks or sooner if something worth sharing with the Internet happens to me in my daily life.
  7. Act better with my family and friends and tell them I love them more frequently.
  8. Not be selfish and think about others' feelings more. (Close to the one before)
  9. Not get mad at people so easily and let some stupid things slide. (For example, ignore the fact the my neighbor is having the loudest sex in the history of loud sex as I'm writing this and not make a fuss about it.)
  10. Stop procrastinating and plan my time right. 
  11. Walk my dog regularly and not force my dad to sometimes. 


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