Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sweet things

at 15:10 0 comments
This post is going to be completely random.
As a typical holiday rule, after all the eating on Easter I've, without a doubt, gained a few pounds here and there and even though I'm typically a salty kind of food lover I cannot resist some sweet things.
For example one of my all time favorites is anything Lindt. No matter what, if it's Lindt chocolate I will eat it without thinking twice.
Why am I gaining weight again?
So I was feeling down today because of various reasons and one of my close friends comforted me with chocolate because she is THAT awesome. This is a good tip if you are trying to cheer up people!


Another new passion of mine are there lovely strawberries covered with chocolate which I've meant to try for a while and now I literally can't stop thinking about them! They are even better than Zac Efron. Topless. Yes, they are that great. I got them the other day because we were celebrating one of my bitches' birthday and when I saw them on the menu I just couldn't say no.
So that was my completely random, food pornish post. Hope you enjoyed and love you!

Sunday 1 May 2016

Easter spirit

at 15:29 0 comments

Even though Easter in Western countries passed just a few weeks ago in my country it has just began and as every popular thematic holidays it has gotten the best of me. Because of this celebration we are freed from school for 4 days and since I have nothing better to do, I started decorating the whole house. After adding a lot of fake nests and flowers in every room it was time for me and my mother to dye our eggs.
The popular Bulgarian tradition (probably it's the same way in many other countries tho) is to dip plain eggs in colored water and leave them as they are, maybe add a sticker or something. But I got inspired and decided to go and full on draw them over.
This year we had white eggs and the yellow dye was surprisingly good so in the end we were full of yellow eggs. I somehow got the idea to make them like emojis (blame it on Pinterest). I used some leftover dye and a marker for the precise lines.
I made some other designs like M&M's candy, Mike from Monsters Inc. and even an egg resembling my dog, which is a cocker spaniel.
I'm going to photograph all my Eastern decorations tomorrow and share it with you guys!
Hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you soon!

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